Wisconsin QSO Party

Every March, the West Allis Amateur Radio Club sponsors the Wisconsin QSO Party.  The members of the USS Wisconsin Radio Club participate in this QSO Party.

Entire QSO Party Operating Window

Saturday – 1800Z to 0100Z

(1:00 PM CDT to 8:00 PM CDT on Sunday, March 16th

All stations may be worked once per mode on each band. In addition, mobiles may be worked once per mode per Wisconsin county that they operate from. Mobiles cannot sit on a county line.  Stations anywhere contact Wisconsin stations for points; Wisconsin stations contact stations anywhere for points.  Everybody has fun!

Work W9FK – West Allis Radio Club Station

Get a 100-point bonus – per contact/mode!

Wisconsin stations send County.

Non-Wisconsin stations send State or Province or Country.


  1. •CW (Digital counts as CW – cannot work the same station on CW & Digital on the same band)
  2. •Phone


  1. •Single Operator Fixed
  2. •Single Operator Mobile
  3. •Single Operator Tech
  4. •Single Operator Rookie
  5. •Multi Operator Fixed
  6. •Multi Operator Mobile
  7. •Multi Operator Tech
  8. •Multi Transmitter / Multi Operator Fixed
  9. •Multi Transmitter / Multi Operator Mobile

POWER LEVEL:  (Choose one)

  1. •QRP (less than 5 watts)
  2. •Low (5 to 150 watts)
  3. •High (over 150W)

All amateur bands and modes not prohibited for contesting may be used. No Repeater QSO’s.


CW:  1.820, 3.550, 7.050, 14.050, 21.050, and 28.050 MHz.

Phone:  1.870, 3.860, 7.230, 14.260, 21.350, and 28.400 MHz.

This is just a partial listing – For complete details, CLICK HERE.