This will be a dual event on board the USS Wisconsin: The International Naval Contest & in remembrance of Pearl Harbor.
The International Naval Contest is hosted this year by the Italian Naval “Old Rhytmers” Club (Italy). Here is the link for their website with all of the details:https://www.inorc.it/wp/2022/09/25/international-naval-contest-2022-2/
We will only be able to participate in this event on Saturday due to the +5 hour time difference. The USS Wisconsin Radio Club is member MF1190. Members are also welcome to operate from their home stations using their own call sign. This is a great opportunity to work many of the European vessels.
Dual Special Event: Remembrance Of Pear Harbor
Ship’s Hours Saturday 9am – 4pm Local Time
Sunday 12 noon – 4pm Local Time
Dual Special Event International Naval Contest – N4WIS MF1190 Member
Ship’s Hours Saturday 9am – 4pm Local Time (Contest Starts 11am)
Sunday – Contest Ends 10:59 Local Time -Ship Doesn’t Open Until 12 Noon – No Contest Operation From Ship
Public parking is available at the Plume Street garage which is located directly across from Nauticus. If you bring your parking ticket from the garage, Nauticus will validate it for free parking.
We can continue the Pearl Harbor event on Sunday if we have anyone interested in operating. Please let N3WM know what day and hours you would like to operate.