Special Event Operation
N4WIS will be on the air to commemorate the USS Wisconsin’s Decommissioning.
Saturday, September 21, 2024: 9AM – 4PM Local Time
Sunday, September 22, 2024: 12 Noon – 4PM Local Time (If We Have Participants Interested In Operating)
The main operation will be on Saturday but if anyone would like to operate Sunday we will try to accommodate them.
PLEASE LET US KNOW IN ADVANCEPlease call or email me if you would like to join us. It is a great opportunity to be “on the other side of the pile up”. The two modern positions have had lots of work including computers reconfigured.
Parking is available across the street from Nauticus (Plume Street Garage)
Nauticus will validate parking so bring you parking stub with you to the ship.
I look forward to seeing you there!